reedy reels white bridge

2015 Winners




By: Luigi Storto  – Teramo, Italy
Category: Documentary
Runtime: 00:14:51

Description: Naleena is an Indian transgender and according the culture of her country she belongs to the so-called “third sex,” neither man nor woman.
As an offering to the Goddess Kali, Indian transgenders, called Hijras, undergo the ritual emasculation, carried out in secret and without anesthesia by the Thaaiamma, a kind of sacred midwife.
Traditionally considered sacred beings because daughters and priestesses of Kali, nowadays Hijras live like outcasts, even at a lower level than the caste of Pariah, and to survive the majority of them is forced to beg and sex work.

Best Feature Film

Cinema Purgatorio

By: Chris White
Category: Feature Film
Runtime: 01:37:00

Description: They made a Bill Murray movie without Bill Murray. What could possibly go wrong?

Best Short Film

Last Night At The Ellington

By: Geoffrey Gunn
Category: South Carolina, Local
Runtime: 00:11:53

When the managers of the Ellington learn their classic movie theater is closing to make way for a new megaplex, they come up with a plan to shut the Ellington down in style.

SC Short Film

Shelter County

By: Micah Taylor
Category: Short Film
Runtime: 00:08:30

Description:In a haunting southern town, a new police officer is tasked with informing a young woman of her husband’s grisly murder, but battles with his own convictions when he becomes suspicious the widow might have played a role in her husband’s death.