Liam Tangum


Liam Tangum


Liam Tangum is a director.

Festival Year


Film Title


Artist bio

Born and raised in Decatur, GA Liam drew his inspiration for “Toomsboro” from his southern roots. His interest for filmmaking sparked when he started making short videos for his high school football team. When Liam is not behind the camera or developing a new script you can find him hiking, golfing, and doing anything outdoors.Liam also works as a freelance editor for companies like Nike, DefJam, Marshmello & Fuji Film!

Artist statement

In making “Toomsboro” I always wanted to encapsulate the essence of small town America, and find a story that dealt with the high number of young people leaving small towns for bigger things and bigger places. It was an amazing experience to find the small town of Toomsboro in real life which faces this exact problem and to be able to bring a creative story to this environment.