John Mudge


John Mudge


John Mudge is a director living in Belle Chasse, Louisiana.


Belle Chasse, LA

Festival Year


Film Title

Mailer Daemon

Artist bio

John Mudge is an independent filmmaker born and raised in Belle Chasse, Louisiana, just 10 miles from the heart of New Orleans.

After graduating from Louisiana State University, where he took multiple film and theatre courses, John migrated back to his home town, and immersed himself in the burgeoning film scene. Starting out as a Production Assistant for shows like NCIS: New Orleans, John soon transitioned into a Grip, and continues to receive steady work in the industry.

When John is not working on film and network television productions, he spends his time improving his skills as a screenwriter and filmmaker, with the goal to one day take the director’s seat on a big production of his own.

Artist statement

Telling stories is something that has been engrained in my DNA since I was born. From recalling a funny incident with friends, to writing and directing a major motion picture, the power of story is one that transcends all barriers. As I have grown older, I have refined my views on movies from mere entertainment, to an opportunity to tell life changing stories with messages you are passionate about. That is my goal: Spreading thought provoking messages through the art of cinema. I hope you all can take something away from my work. If so, then I am one step closer to achieving my goal as a story teller!